viernes, enero 19, 2007

lunes, noviembre 06, 2006




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martes, octubre 25, 2005


When the end of the year is coming , banks draw up a balance and they usually publish their profits at the newspaper . I have been reading this information for several years (as many of you also have done) and I become more and more astonished.

Firstly, I verify that only banks are these huge and continuous profits. Just imagine if your salary would increase 35% every year. It seems impossible, unbelievable, incredible even untrue. But this is the reality.

Secondly, do you already know how did they get it? I'm only remaindering you that without your money and mine, they had never got theses profits.

Thirdly, do you really know who have now the political power?
Bingo! You have got it!

Hacia finales de año, los bancos suelen publicar sus beneficios en la prensa. Yo, como muchos de los que estarán leyendo este blog. Leemos con estupefacción y casi incredulidad dichos resultados.
En primer lugar, nos es difícil imaginar que nuestro sueldo pudiese crecer cada año del orden de un 35%. Nos parece un sueño imposible, pero que en el caso de los bancos es normal y a veces aún sube esta cifra.
En segundo lugar, quiero recordar, si alguien no se acuerda que todos esos beneficios han sido posibles gracias al dinero de todos ustedes, incluido el mío.
Por último, y aunque parezca obvio, ¿tienen ustedes aún dudas de quien tiene el poder político?

sábado, octubre 01, 2005

Let's continue talking about Esperanto

I want to give you more information about how to learn Esperanto.
lernu! is a website about Esperanto as a language and a phenomenon, with many
courses and tools for learning it. The main goal of this website is to help people easily
learn Esperanto for free online.
In the site you will fi nd courses at various levels, a helpful electronic dictionary, an
overview of Esperanto’s grammar, lesson texts with sound and pictures, an instant
messenger to let you chat with other students, and much more.
lernu! was developed by the international group
Esperanto@Interreto (E@I). The group develops web
pages, holds seminars, and works to promote the use
of Esperanto on the Internet as a means for fast and
easy international communication.
The lernu! project is fi nancially supported by the Esperantic Studies
Foundation (ESF). ESF was founded in 1968 to support and stimulate
the growth of English-language technical literature on Esperanto.
Eventually the use of Esperanto in education became one of the
foundation’s highest priorities.

sábado, agosto 27, 2005

Esperanto at school

I'm learning Esperanto and I'm absolutely sure that this beautiful created language should be taught at school from the primary to high school levels. Is the language of the peace, comprehension and respect to the others. In addition is the most easy language to learn. Due to its logical structure and the lack of exceptions. Its flexibility gives an incredible richness. I wander, why they don't teach it at school? Policies are always looking for their own advantageousness and Esperanto is to much fair to political aims. Esperanto is on the net and it is free. Everybody can learn it at many different websites. Here, you are some interesting sites:

What is Esperanto?
It is a language.

Important traits of Esperanto:
Esperanto is most useful for communicating with people who don’t share the same native language.
Thanks to the structure of Esperanto, it’s normally much easier to master than other foreign languages.
Living Esperanto lives and evolves just like other languages, and it can be used to express all facets of human thought and emotion.
It doesn’t belong to any group of people or country and that’s why it works as a neutral language.
When you use Esperanto, you feel more equal than when, for example, you speak French with a native French speaker.

martes, junio 21, 2005

Telephone cabin Posted by Hello

viernes, junio 17, 2005


This is the exercice of my Dreamweaver curs 2004/05.
If you are interested in elephants, or you want to know something about drawing section of Bernat el Ferrer High School, just visite it!!

domingo, junio 12, 2005


What do you think about memory? Memory is a part of our intelligence. Memory helps us to survive, to make things, to love, to hate and to continue living. But, what happen if this memory does not work any more? We can't survive alone, we are not able to make things, the most simple things become impossible. We love and hate but we don't know why. We are living but we don't know that we are existing.
This is not fiction. This is the true live of many people. People all around the globe, males and females. Who have lost their memory.

sábado, junio 11, 2005


I'm writing in English because I think and I absolutely sure that this is the way to be read by the most people. Do you know Esperanto? Esperanto is the international language. It was created by a Polish doctor at the end of the 18th century. Today Esperanto is spread all around the globe, but it is still very important to say that Esperanto is the only fair way to communicated among different cultures.


What I really want with this blog is to express my opinions, my ideas and my feeling about different subjects. Today is the first day. I've just created this blog. I'd also want to share opinions with people around the world.